How to Tackle XTOOL A80 H6 “Insufficient Machine Memory” Problem?

Frequently-asked question about XTOOL A80 H6:

“I want to update the software of this device, but it prompts message “No Sufficient Memory to Update”. What Can I do to put my device back to use normally?”

Today, we are going to learn the processing methods of “insufficient Machine Memory” of A80 H6.

Four-step Solution:

Step 1: Open the app and find the “Report” on the left toolbar.

Tackle XTOOL A80 H6 "Insufficient Machine Memory" Problem

Step 2: Find the “File Management” menu

Tackle XTOOL A80 H6 "Insufficient Machine Memory" Problem

Step 3: Select the “Exit”, click on the unneeded car

Tackle XTOOL A80 H6 "Insufficient Machine Memory" Problem

Step 4: Remove redundant models to retain storage space

Tackle XTOOL A80 H6 "Insufficient Machine Memory" Problem

If same problem occurs on your device, all you need to do is follow the above “Four-step Solution”, then you will fix it easily.